Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"I Had A Dream"

I know that everyone is emotional and still drunk from acting a fool now that Barack Obama has been elected president of the United States in January 2009. I know this is a moment of victory and we should rejoice. But it is just a battle that has been won, the economic war is still amidst. Do not be ignorant of that fact, or else we will plunge back into failure. I apologize for blowing your high, but this is only the beginning. As a country, we have a long road ahead of us and it may take both Obama’s terms (yes I am predicting he will win again) to turn this country back into the prosperous state it was in. I encourage everyone to read Obama’s economic plan on his website. Really know who you elected and where he is taking this country. And don’t just hide behind the fact that he is black. Pray that God leads him in the right directions for making new decisions to effect this country. Pray over Obama’s safety for the next 8 years.

Martin Luther King’s Dream has shown another face by having a black president and we should be proud. But Obama is about to be tested. Not just by us, but the whole world. Tested to prove he is the man he says he is. His every move under a microscope. We have been given an opportunity and believe me there are people out there waiting for Obama to slip. So pray for stability.

Do not, for one second, think I am being negative about yesterdays page being written in history. I am overjoyed. I will join you in your fellowship my brothers. Now let us all stand victorious. Let us all unite with a harmonious, thunderous applaud to the strength of liberty. And “Let our rejoicing rise, high as the listening skies.” King’s dream is one step closer to being realized. This is a beautiful symphony of hope and faith, in the Orchestra of Life.
*Wallo for President in 2016.


Wallo said...

Shout out to Wallo!

LoveTeiaB said...


jayesix said...

From air force ones
To air force one
Wallo 2016