Friday, March 6, 2009

"Drivers Training"

I have come to the conclusion people drive the way they act. Well, really it wasn't my conclusion in particular, but it was subject brought to me a while ago and this my theory on it. Imagine yourself in the car driving and its a wonderful day, then someone comes and cuts you off, impeding on your perfect day! So you honk the horn and catch up to see this mutha*bleep* face to face so you can look in the whites of their eyes! And to no surprise, it some young thundercat acting a fool! Pure definition of they way young people drive.

Young people are so excited they have a taste of freedom, they are in a rush to go nowhere. That's why insurance companies are afraid to invest in insuring young people because we are such a risk. Young people are in such a rush to be an adult, it takes and accident and the responsibility of the aftermath to show how much of an adult they aren't!

Adults drive with an attitude because they think they are the boss and they know everything. When we reach a certain age, we tend to think we are on top of the world. Especially an adult with a little bit of dough. They think the world is there stage and they can perform however they want and if you dont like it, get out of my driving lane!

Old people take their time because they have done it all and they are trying to stretch life as far as they can. They take their time because they know time is no longer given to them freely, so they enjoy every moment they have because it may be their last. They have all the luxuries (the new 300 C or some fancy fast car) that young people yearn for, but they have a different appreciation for it and they treat it with respect. They have been around the block a FEW times now at this point and there is no rush in obtaining more. They are just living out their days with a sense of tranquility and responsibility.

Now this is in a general perspective, of course there is individuality in everyones driving ability, but I want to give you some homework. Next time you are driving with someone, really pay attention to the type of driving style they have and the decisions they make while driving. It may give you a more profound understanding into the type of decisions they make in life, not just on the road.

Monday, March 2, 2009

"Crimson Jihad"

As I sit and watch this DVD about muslim terrorism, I am astonished by a simple truth that was revealed, "Only 15% of the muslim community is Jihad. But considering the fact that its 1.5 billion muslims, that 15% equates to the population of America." Whenever we see muslims, lets be honest, we automatically think the worst. I am guilty of this sometimes no doubt. But hearing that fact just now actually puts ease to involuntary anxiety. Because out of that very small percentage, almost all of Jihad muslims DO NOT reside in America.

Lets think about that for a second. We as blacks hate to be stereotyped, called niggers by whites, and all other disrespectful outburst from any other race, but yet we do the same thing to the muslims. Oh but its ok since the terrorist attack on American soil was only 8 years ago, so the memory of the perished has not been forgotten. Our attacks began 400 years ago and only ended in 1968, when Brown VS Board deemed segregation unconstitutional. 40 years later Kings dream comes into view with a black president, but we still act like fools. We are treating muslims with the same respect Caucasians treated us when we were slaves.

So we all join hands in misguiding our children on what to say and do to muslims, when this is just another form of racism. Though all the things I mentioned are just another form of propaganda and all of it comes from the video I watched, still has some bit of truth to it. It gives us all something to think about next time we run into a muslim and want to scream out, "Tali-ban!!"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"It's Music For the People So We Reflection Eternal"

Talib Kweli said that in a song, but I finally get the true meaning behind its simple, uncorrupted truth. Let me explain...
I sitting here listening to Day26 and I am seriously mesmerized. I have finally realized how powerful music can really be and how it can change your mood dramatically. Earlier, I was somewhat dysfunctional internally and I needed to relax. I had already prayed to God what was troubling me and so I needed to rest, because sometimes prayer can drain you!! So as I am listening to my ipod and my mood goes from insane to calm, to loving to outraged, to frustrated to some other emotion with each passing song, finally stopping on passionate with Day26. I realized how dangerous music can really be. Yes I wrote about it before and yes I was already aware, but just now, it felt so real.

It's dangerous what enters our minds through music. My defense was always, "I am just listening to the beat, not the words." While this is true, I really am, what I am not realizing is my subconscious is intaking what I am listening to because it doesn't have the filter the conscience part of my brain does, nor does it need my permission to perform this action. Now words that I never used frequently before come streaming out of my vocabulary and it is becoming increasingly difficult to apprehend these orphans before they escape into my speech.

I listen to Jeezy, Luda, Jay-Z, Lupe, Talib, T.I., SOME Wayne, Kanye, all these talented artist. But since I don't really listen to the lyrics, I don't know all the words to even my favorite songs, because the conscience part of my brain is not listening, so I can't remember what the artist said. Then all of a sudden I am reciting their lyrics without even attempting to remember them by heart. Now I am cursing without a second thought, calling women things other than what they are, WOMEN. It's a silent, psychological mutiny of my present state of mind trying to be impeached by my flesh and this music I listen to. I need to get control of all this.

So I am stressing that we actually read the warning label on the album cover "Explicit Lyrics." Take to its meaning because I am flipping out right now about where my mind was going earlier and how it was following the path my ipod was directing me through.