Friday, March 6, 2009

"Drivers Training"

I have come to the conclusion people drive the way they act. Well, really it wasn't my conclusion in particular, but it was subject brought to me a while ago and this my theory on it. Imagine yourself in the car driving and its a wonderful day, then someone comes and cuts you off, impeding on your perfect day! So you honk the horn and catch up to see this mutha*bleep* face to face so you can look in the whites of their eyes! And to no surprise, it some young thundercat acting a fool! Pure definition of they way young people drive.

Young people are so excited they have a taste of freedom, they are in a rush to go nowhere. That's why insurance companies are afraid to invest in insuring young people because we are such a risk. Young people are in such a rush to be an adult, it takes and accident and the responsibility of the aftermath to show how much of an adult they aren't!

Adults drive with an attitude because they think they are the boss and they know everything. When we reach a certain age, we tend to think we are on top of the world. Especially an adult with a little bit of dough. They think the world is there stage and they can perform however they want and if you dont like it, get out of my driving lane!

Old people take their time because they have done it all and they are trying to stretch life as far as they can. They take their time because they know time is no longer given to them freely, so they enjoy every moment they have because it may be their last. They have all the luxuries (the new 300 C or some fancy fast car) that young people yearn for, but they have a different appreciation for it and they treat it with respect. They have been around the block a FEW times now at this point and there is no rush in obtaining more. They are just living out their days with a sense of tranquility and responsibility.

Now this is in a general perspective, of course there is individuality in everyones driving ability, but I want to give you some homework. Next time you are driving with someone, really pay attention to the type of driving style they have and the decisions they make while driving. It may give you a more profound understanding into the type of decisions they make in life, not just on the road.

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